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Barthel Index of Activities of Daily Living (original version) Mahoney & Barthel. 1965 Barthel ADL Index

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Choose the scoring point for the statement that most closely corresponds to the patient's current level of ability for each of the following 10 items.
Record actual, not potential, functioning. Information can be obtained from the patient's self-report, from a separate party who is familiar with the patient's abilities (such as a relative), or from observation.  

*   1. Feeding
*   2. Wheelchairs or bed transfers
*   3. Personal toilet (grooming)
*   4. Toilet Transfers
*   5. Bathing self
*   6. Walking
*   7. Stairs, ascending & descending
*   8. Dressing and undressing
*   9. Bowel control
* 10. Bladder control

Mahoney FI, Barthel DW. FUNCTIONAL EVALUATION: THE BARTHEL INDEX. Md State Med J. 1965;14:61-5. Used with permission. PMID: 14258950

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