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Lam Employment Absence and Productivity Scale Lam et al. 2009 Lam Employment Absence and Productivity Scale

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Although all forms of work including house work, child care, and others are important, the next questions are about the employed or self-employed paid work that you may do.
Please do not include house work, volunteer work, or school work.

1. What kind of paid work do you do?
Please check the format of your answer.


Over the past 2 weeks...

2. How many hours were you scheduled or expected to work?
Each answer must be between 0 and 150


Over the past 2 weeks...

3. How many hours of work did you miss because of the way you were feeling?
Each answer must be between 0 and 150


Lam RW, Michalak EE, Yatham LN. A new clinical rating scale for work absence and productivity: validation in patients with major depressive disorder. BMC Psychiatry. 2009;9:78. PMID: 19958540 | PMC free article

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