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1-Year Mortality in CKD Patients Undergoing Predialysis Nephrology Care Doi et al. 2015 1-Year Mortality in CKD Patients Undergoing Predialysis Nephrology Care

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* Modified Charlson Comorbidity IndexCCI

In the present study, items related to diabetes and renal disease were excluded from the original Charlson Comorbidity Index.
Modified CCI calc

* Performance status

WHO-Zubrod Performance Status Scale:
0: Asymptomatic.
1: Symptomatic but completely ambulatory.
2: Symptomatic, < 50% in bed during the day.
3: Symptomatic, > 50% in bed, but not bedbound.
4: Bedbound.
5: Death.


Doi T, Yamamoto S, Morinaga T, Sada KE, Kurita N, Onishi Y. Risk Score to Predict 1-Year Mortality after Haemodialysis Initiation in Patients with Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease under Predialysis Nephrology Care. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(6):e0129180. PMID: 26057129

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