This information is provided in accordance with good practice, and as required by the EU Cookie Directive - 2009/136/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Cookies are small files that websites place on your computer as you browse the web.
Cookies are 'passive' in that they contain information your browser can retrieve, but do not contain programmes, viruses or malicious software. Cookies can be divided into two categories: 'session' and 'persistent'. Session cookies are temporary and are deleted when you close your browser or after a period of inactivity. Persistent cookies remain on your computer until the expiration date/time set by the cookie creator.
Like many websites, uses cookies to discover how people are using our services and to protect our hardwares and softwares against spam and abuse.
Traffic measurement: The most common type of cookie used on this website is set by Google Analytics, which provides anonymous statistical data to us to show usage trends and to aid in making decisions about what types of content are most popular. None of the information collected by these cookies can personally identify you.
Social networks: We use some social sharing platforms to allow you to share information on our website with colleagues, friends etc. more easily. These cookies are set on the following domains:,, (for google+)
Yes, you can both view the cookies stored on your computer and delete some or all of them. Each web browser has a different procedure for doing so and detailed information about cookie management can be found at the browsers' respective websites. Here are instructions for deleting cookies in some popular browsers:
"Yes", most browsers allow you to specify which types of cookies you will accept or to reject all cookies. As each browser is different, here are some of the most common ones:
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome Apple Safari.
"No; the use of temporary cookie is necesary to store answers and assessment values until the last page (results page) where this cookie will be deleted.