Medical assessor
Dr. Evа Montané, MD, PhD is a clinical pharmacologist highly involved in medical and pharmacoepidemiology research and data collection systems intensive user either for internship student evaluation or clinical outcome assessment.
Bеnoît Vаugieг is a French developer providing technical support to pmidCALC Project and LimeSurvey back office administration. He have a huge experience in many different fields of web-based technology, including online medical calculators configuration and like Dr. Eva Mоntané, lives in Barcelona, Spain.
Join us
If you have any academic and/or clinical interest in use of point-of-care decision aids, remember that pmidCALC is an open nonprofit project. Your collaboration is very welcome and needed.
We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all the
LimeSurvey team and contributors members for this wonderful application, support and documentation, with special warm thanks to:
- Dr.
Tom White for the development of the "Expression Manager" functions and appreciated personal advices.
Denis Chenu for the quality of the time saver fully customizable Skeletonquest theme.